{{"Project Sync" | tr}}
{{"{n}-day trial" | tr : {n: $ctrl.trialDays} }}
{{ $ctrl.isMac ? "⌘S now means SYNC" : "Ctrl+S now means SYNC" | tr}}
{{"EDIT" | tr}}
{{ $ctrl.isMac ? "Edit files with normal apps on your Mac" : "Edit files with normal apps on your PC" | tr}}
{{"SYNC" | tr}}
{{"Hit Save and your edits sync up to Chorus" | tr}}
{{"SHARE" | tr}}
{{"Sync a project folder and everyone gets updated" | tr}}
{{"Try Project Sync for {n} day{n==1?'':'s'}" | tr : {n: $ctrl.trialDays} }} {{"Download Project Sync"|tr}} {{ $ctrl.isMac ? "For macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later" : "For Windows 7 or later" | tr}}