{{"Import External Users" | tr}}
{{"Import Result"|tr}}
{{"Configure Mappings"|tr}}
{{"The following columns were found in your spreadsheet. You can configure which fields they correspond to here, or mark a column as 'Unused'."|tr}}
{{"The following column mappings were used during the import."|tr}}
{{ "Column Header" | tr }}
{{ "Field Mapping" | tr }}
{{ mappedData.column }}
{{ possibleMappingsByKey[mappedData.mapping] || "Unknown" }}
{{"Configure Actions"|tr}}
{{"The following actions were configured for the import."|tr}}
{{ "Action" | tr }}
{{ "Configuration" | tr }}
{{ actionDefinitionsKeyed.existingExtUserAction.label | tr }}
{{ actionDefinitionsKeyed.existingExtUserAction.values[actions.existingExtUserAction] }}
{{ actionDefinitionsKeyed.deletingExistingExtUserAction.label | tr }}
{{ actionDefinitionsKeyed.deletingExistingExtUserAction.values[actions.deletingExistingExtUserAction] }}
{{ "Delete Import" | tr }}